Updated: Feb 8, 2021

We live in a world of complex structure. Filters and behavioural boundaries around ourselves on our own free will are at stake, in a global liquid world. The right to difference or the freehold of our room is menaced. We are losing our freedom to oblivion... What is freedom today? How social networks or any network should operate? What is the limit? There should be any limit or it is correct to impose those limits? We already have the answer, it´s called education. Education is in crisis, we are habit dependents and as society we don´t have a clue on what to buy or where to dig the well. Drawing a line, we depend on good or bad habits. How to learn, where to learn it´s up to us. We, as never before need sanctuaries, covenants, holly places where we can rest and regroup our thoughts. As contradictory, as it seems, the age of communication is at the same time the age of censorship.

We don´t explain our younger generation the difference between having filters and losing the voice. I remember quite well an american production movie, a film named King´s Speech, about George VI and Lionel Logue, a language therapist, in which a man, a king discovers is own voice. In one of the scenes, Lionel records a perfect speech of the King, in a vinyl disc. Teacher and Student have an argument, a fierce discussion on the utility of those lessons, George VI, was taking, the King wanted to give up on the teachings he was receiving. Due to his education he was taught to keep distances, upper and lower classes should not be acquainted and essentially he was taught to despise is own voice. It was only in the last moment George VI says "I have a voice", and Lionel reply "Indeed you have a voice". We live in the right opposite today, today most people don´t have boundaries or filters, and they bump into each other because education models are in decay to say the least, because today is easy to speak, but speaking is not equal to express properly. How to overcome this, how do we teach values and principles, to have a good voice without molding the right to difference, the freedom of speech, the sacred values of civilization. It is a hard challenge, and the fight is always with ourselves, each individual must improve himself, accept criticism as incentive to grow, only then we can grow as society of free man. We must fight the good fight, mold the right values and let inspiration and imagination do the rest. We need dreams, and goals to achieve better versions of ourselves. Let´s demand more of us. Let´s built a language therapist movement.So the question is not about abolishing barriers, is on how to built the flexible ones, building bridges does not mean lack of criteria, it is right the opposite.Our freedom begins where the other´s finishes.