Updated: Apr 6, 2021

In the eleven house, the battle for the seven sense of Aquarius had begun, Hyoga, the bronze knighr of Cignus faced his master´s master Camus, the Golden Knight of Aquarius. The battle was fought in the house of given love, in the dimension colective relation, for the task Hyoga should forget his mother, his mortal bound to the ascestral values, for inpersonating his final sense, he must abandon his mortal coil, his attachment to the emotional.

The technique of his former master, was the northern lights, teached by Camus, the Knight of Aquarius, master of the hability of non emotional social relation, and comunication to masses, his power comes from the hability to detach from feelings and emotions in order to achive a seven sense, the last outcome of his mind.

The Knight of Aquarius deals with the need to sacrifice in the interest of others, is the given love, he must put every feeling out of his ego and become one with humanity, his power is demanding on himself as relates with his objectives, the love taken from others, the energy obtain from his willing gift to others, on his house of social conscience.
The bronze knight Hyoga had to forget his mother dead in a tragic storm, laying in the pits of the sea in a vessel long gone from his mind, but in the deep of his memories and soul, the chelllenge to him has all along to confront his wish, and to discover his strenght throw the transformation of his soul, only then he could use the golden cloak and could preform the nothern lights technique, because the strenght from above only awakens with the sacrifice of the self, his ego, his attachement to memories and individuality.

"In order to become a Golden Knight of Aquarius and use the armour, one must control his emotions and be like glaciar, only then totally imerse in the commitment, you can serve the world, and change it, only then you will know, because you are free from attachment to ignorance, to dependence and weakness, that his the principle of Knowledge, being one with the world, only then you will be friend of everyone and none, you will love all and none, your relation will like ice, non emotional, and you will freeze and stop the waters, the feelings, because that is the mission of Aquarius, to the dawn of a New Era".