Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Probably one of the most important messages for those who need to percive reality and understand their life mission is taking a step back and simplify it to the movement of the waves.
In order to enter their own skin and objectives, understanding the value of facing their deepest fears is the key. Jay Moriarty always loved the sea and timing the movement of waves and tides was his early hooby. Since little boy he played by the sea with his friend Kim, and he always lived with the urge of the sea, pulsing in his veins.
When he find out his neighbour Frosty was chasing big waves called mavericks in an hiden cove, his mission in life become clear, to slide those massive waves and live to tell the tale. This is an wonderful methaphor for life itself and sets out the need to excel, which is our most important trace of character, facing our fears to conquer balance in life.
But life like the sea isn´t easy to ride, in order to learn to surf the big waves discipline was essential, and Frosty taech him the importance of pilars, the phisical pilar is workout, the mental pilar study his own craft, tides and waves and the movement of the currents in the sea, the emotional pilar, to cope with emotions like fear, panic, anger and joy and the spiritual pilar, to believe and strenghten faith in himself and higher power.
He also discovers the fifth pilar, the friendship and guidance of his teacher Frosty, the bounds he formed with all who supported him, his mom, his beloved Kim and his absent father.
It is a personal jorney for me, as I understand my love for writing and the need of creating from scratch a message, an idea or just perciving a strand of thought that made sense and builds up a canvas. I love to write as Jay loved to surf.
On his final paper to Frosty, more a testament or a letter, he explains his fears, and those are the true men fears, the attachment to those we love. I fear to lose my beloved friend, my father´s love and protection, the shelter of my mother coil and all my dreams. That is also what lies betweem me and my goal, because the loss of attachment is the lift I need to reach the goal of achieving the perfect script.
As it is known those who push the limits sometimes discover the limits push back, Jay died with 22 years old, but lived without fear, like a son of the tides. He was born in may, and died like a true taurus, he faced his biggest fear his attachment to life, because in order to pursue life you must give your own life, in order to have you must give.
And the golden rule is that by letting go of attachment, facing your deepest fears, you will have your freedom and by giving others their space, their dignity and their freedom as well, you will put your love on their trust, and by doing so, you will win their loyalty and respect, even if you don´t get their love, you will gain your own love, and that is the most value prize in life.
Live like Jay, live your life facing fears and detaching from possession of any sort, and gain your freedom by being brave, standing by others realizing your dreams, accomplishing the impossible, chasing mavericks.