This is a film about the clash of civilizations or if you prefer between religions or spiritualities of diferent surrondings, ditaching those who prefer to believe in a unique conscience and those who believe in the path through choice.
It is also about giving up pn being a queen or a king on your own throne, take the courage of being faithfull to principles. The romantic plot centers in a man removed from his trade because of the suicide of his wife. In medieval times the suicider was believed to be sent to hell and all his family and spouses would be condemned to the fire of eternal punishment.
Bailian son of Godfried the baron of Ibelin begins a quest for his soul as he step in his father mission to protect the Kingdom of Jurusalem, a kingdom of high moral values, of freedom and choice, a kingdom of Heaven.
When travelling by Messina, the port to the Holy Land, his vessel wreck in the mediterranean sea and he wakes in a beach on the syrian shore. When collecting debris from the wreck, he saves a horse tied in ropes of carcass of a ship. This incident doesn´t goes unnoticed as a important noble arab disputes the ownership of the horse with the young Knight.
After a skirmish fight, Balian saves the life of the man with whom he quarreled and the two ride together into Jeruselam where Balian offers the noble the horse as a token of friendship and gratitude showing his character and goodness.
When taking care of his father domain, he get to know Sibila and after buring his past love in the temple mount he permit to himself to love again. Sibila is the King sister promised to marry Guy, a nobel templar who dispises Balian for his non noble birth.
Sibila search for Balian and the two fall in love but Balian doesn´t marry her dispite the King´s request to do so. First she doesn´t understand his behaviour, but during the siege of Jerusalem she begun to understand that in order to assume feelings, he need to assume frailty and surrender to humble before life and abdicate of power, resign to be a queen and just walk side by side with the person we choose to share our life with.
Kingdom of heaven is a movie about the values the must stand before tirany and a lesson on the need to serve higher causes then power, greed and lust, it is a kingdom of conscience, because the true realm is in mind and hearth and it is expecting the King that has to come.