Updated: Apr 6, 2021

The bronze knight Shiryu, the Dragon faced his master master, Shion of Libra, the most complete of all the Golden Knights, because the mastery of scales could not be beaten by any Knight. The house of the builder of commitments and true relations implies the use of all the techniques, the twelve heapons were combined into a massive atack from all sides and could not be interrupted until it was coping on the adversary body.

His house of romance and relationships, of agreements and justice, was based in the hability to compromise and could not be attained until the master of all other Karmic paths was attained, the complet mastery implies the use of all weapons of atack and defense on the parts of his armour, the master os martial superiority was obtain by defending from impious atacks from all sides at the same time.

Shion was the old master, he was a strategist and took his time, looking for the adversary he knew how to stop any fierce atack, because he was oposed to Mu od Aries and developed a technique based in the principle of defense atack, very dinamyc the Golden Knight of Libra, had a perspective of how to balance all the coming atacks from all sides, he knew the dynamic of the wind, and could manipulate the wind and the fire.

His temper was cold, yet he defended love as principle, but as contract not as dependence, his mastery was based on light wind, the master of all romances, he knew where to stop and where to rebuild, because all the little details were important in order to conquest his prime goal being the equilibrium of all things, transforming any adversity in strenght.
His oponent has been trained into becoming the greatest fighter in all China and by doing so earned the right to defy the master of masters, if he succeed, the title and the honor would be of his virtue, and the world would become a better place, because through communication he balanced every thought and all man could be free.

Both knights where under the same dilema, we versus i, it was essential to balance the individuality with the perception of the all, only in time with preserverance could the young bronze knight reach the point he would become a master, it wasn´t as easy task because the Dragon had to become blind to his ego, and in the darkness discover his true identity, at the same time, he was beginning to balance all his fears into focus on the equilibrium.
Using all the tools and resources Shriyu become the knight his master told him to do, by becoming humble to the core, he instantly knew there was a way to become balance between the shields and swords, the mind above the deadly wish, the force to destroy ego by developing insight and discernment by becoming full awere of love, but retaking the strenght to fight and be one with is own image projection, the we in the ego, proecting is balanced essence.