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Writer's picture: Duncan HoldbridgeDuncan Holdbridge

Updated: Apr 18, 2022

It is easy when we are in front of the 12 zodiac workshops to find Sources of easy criticism, effectively one of the best known ways to learn the meanings of astrology is to attribute to each of the zodiac signs defects or characteristics that almost always end up being prejudices that nothing has to do with the true nature of what the work is in each of these 12 workshops, however as a reflection work it is interesting to pay attention to each of these prejudices or defects that we like to frame about each of the signs.

the first workshop is often attributed the impetus to the desire to do a lot and quickly in any way and without minimal respect for the other, whatever is being done in a need for permanent ego affirmation is nothing more false because if we think that truly in house of Aries, everything that is essentially the knowledge of the best way to reach physical fullness and mastery, self-control and image projection, this can only come if we combine rest with food and continuous exercise, which necessarily requires a capacity for permanent adaptation and a constant strategy to reach the goals so if the impetus was done without direction and without any kind of notion which I like to think is a form of intuition immediately all the work of the first workshop would fall apart.

The second workshop is often criticized because the natives of Taurus are slow and by the same light they are essentially governed by stubbornness, which can also be seen as persistence but which usually means that the workers of this workshop only care to be in permanent attention and intention. which is not at all true since without adaptive and transformative capacity it is impossible to be persistent it is impossible to maintain the task so all persistence is essentially based on permanent adaptive capacity in fact if one wants to maintain any type of income that generates income you will only be able to do that if you know how to adapt and change permanently, nothing is more wrong than associating immobility and this second with the workshop.

The third workshop is almost always associated with the need for communication, which means that all those who dedicate themselves to communicative ability are often considered vain and shallow, in fact, communication is always seen as something very ephemeral, not persistent when in fact to communicate well. it has to be deeply accurate this implies a permanent work and therefore totally false to think that the natives of this house are generally vain who cannot keep up with their tasks for a long time and that their nature is essentially light and without depth because the communication has to be immediate, direct and assertive, but the truth is that if it is not worked deeply, it will never be able to fulfill its objective effectively, so it is totally wrong when classifying information as something poorly founded or poorly structured, communication increasingly implies in-depth work.

The fourth workshop is always associated with the lack of control of emotions when, in fact, all her work goes exactly through the control of them, even so it is true that without letting ourselves emerge in what is the depth of feelings and in our childhood we will never be able to find our own orientation. a transformation of ours and everything that our Inner Work must structure us, so it is absolutely essential that the natives of this house first learn to know their own wounds in depth and the image that they are only attached to the emotional that they do not manage to grow that they cannot overcome their wounds and that above all they are very little enterprising people is exactly the opposite the first venture that does not start from emotion and control of it can never be successful and the natives of this house know that only controlling feelings can truly evolve so what one thinks about and The excess of feeling can only be considered taking into account that these natives are also the ones most driven to create goals and missions.

The fifth workshop, which is the stage, is normally associated with the image, its projection, the essence and being, creativity, the capacity for transmutation, is absolutely essential here, which implies being able to go to its fiery essence and start from your own interior soil a whole work of transformation, to reach the end of this process it is not always easy to stop creating masks and images that can help us to overcome our difficulties and entropies as well as the ability to have confidence in the moments when we are alone in the face of the world this develops our capacity for self-confidence but it can also develop the narcissism that is commonly considered the main defect of the natives of this workshop, yet it is totally unfair that this is so since the need for projection and often based on perfume challenges you he will even feel that self-confidence in irons of confrontation with the difficulties that arise.

The sixth workshop is closely related to the behind-the-scenes, the hospital, work that we all have to do, here time the need for permanent control of everything that is close to us becomes absolutely decisive in the work that we have to perform in the expertise in the set-up this is also the workshop that is linked to health, the ability to heal our own difficulties, which implies going inside to explore our deepest doubts and work with them from an inner effort of understanding, which often determines that the natives of this house are often considered too cold and distant and who live for themselves, nothing could be more wrong considering that the fundamental effort of these natives who consider service to others as their primordial and essential mission, when turning inwards, do so in the sense of able to provide a better service, thus being perhaps among the most misunderstood regarding their apparent coldness.

The workers of the seventh workshop, the the partnership or the company, are often considered excessively frivolous, turned only to the social and more specifically to constantly try to be matchmakers and establish relationships between other people are therefore often considered inopportune and daring and above all indecisive when in fact all this results from their tremendous care for each other and for what they understand they should provide in terms of support their mission is undoubtedly to bring people together but often this mission is highly misunderstood which leads them to isolate themselves and more often not to being clear and open about all the things they think and want to say, this results from their immense tendency to conciliate and help others, especially in love matters, which is often not appreciated or seen with due admiration and often leads to here most other workers do not realize that this is not an indecision but a p concern with assertively transmitting their knowledge.

In the eighth workshop, the therapist room or the inn, we worked on the essentiality of our emotions in their deep relationship with what is hidden with what is not visible, so it is very common for the works in this workshop to be considered almost always as dangerous manipulators when in fact what is at stake here is the ability to assertively reveal what is not visible at first sight, this does not necessarily mean that there is a constant concern on the part of these workers to hide things or manipulate, although they know how to do it, their objective is almost always to heal others, that is, they do it. from a therapy motivation because their essential mission is to touch the deep points of the soul in order to heal it their intention is almost always subverted because they work from what others say not from what they themselves want to produce that is, the care and concern to be surgical, both in their assertions and in their ability to support, make them almost always totally misunderstood by the other workers in the other workshops, but this should only serve as motivation for their mission.

The ninth workshop, the university or the high school, is characterized by faith, the desire for transformation of all humanity and its capacity for internal transformation, all of which transform the workers of this workshop into deeply confident beings and this excess of self-confidence or trust in humanity in general can lead to to disastrous results at least that's how the common opinion goes, the truth however is that what is pointed out as a defect is actually its greatest virtue since nothing in life is done immediately and being able to keep the faith is also a act of resilience in personal and universal transformation and in this sense the criticism that is commonly made to the workers of this workshop is anchored in a restrictive view of what knowledge is, their work and their transformation, because without a doubt this propensity for trust and carelessness can often also motivate the encouragement of creativity and the transformation of all others who work and learn with them, and in this Once again what is considered a defect can be seen as an excellent example of resilience.

The tenth workshop, The parliament or the forum, is characterized by rigor and demand, so it is natural that the workers of this workshop have a natural tendency to live obsessed with status and power and with the need to impose rules, limits and restraints that are absolutely essential. for the growth of knowledge and for the development of human capacity but even this defect that has to do with its coldness and its distance can be seen in an extremely positive way since any big undertaking any big task necessarily needs rigorous coordination and a capacity for building with solid foundations and all this can only result from a rigorous examination and a willingness to do what is right in a constructive way on the other hand this characteristic for negativity also helps to build and prepare for the difficult moments and setbacks and thus what can mark a tendency towards scarcity or limitation rigor, discipline and the ability to work can also not be seen as an incentive, which is a counterpoint precisely to this negative side, because through the ability to work we always achieve better results and a deepening of our abilities. in a broader way.

The 11th workshop and workshop of the guild, or the association, is where human relations are worked in their broadest sense, nothing other than the interpersonal relationship is at issue here, especially the relationship that can be built between friends, is developed especially from the ability to integrate, to stand out in their individuality always implies accepting the existence of all the others and Taking into account this same dimension many times the main criticism made to the workers of this workshop is that they end up being extremely influenced, they let themselves be carried away by everything and everyone and rarely impose themselves and have the capacity to be leaders and all this makes their training and action very limited from the point of view of imposing new horizons, that is, they end up falling into the paradox of expanding their point of view too much. view of acceptance of the individuality of all others of being unable to develop their own individuality and thus falling into the opposite of what the works of house 5 are so good at, that is, to expose themselves on stage because for the works of this workshop that is the Grammy, everything that others think is often what they think ends up being molded in that same image that they understand is correct and that essentially depends on what others think and what others say, it takes a lot of strength to then, in a radical and even rebellious way, bring to the surface what is their true Vision because this workshop is governed by for Uranus its main function is to open new paths and transform realities but you can never change anything that doesn't start from within, so the biggest defect that is conformity is also the basis of your rebellion to your greatest capacity.

Finally, we arrive at the last workshop, the workshop of the temple or the church, where the workers of the 12th house have on their shoulders the greatest responsibility of all to establish the link between what is this plane and the higher plane, but this will necessarily have to be done. if by the internal discovery of each one about what their interconnection capacities with the universe are, these almost mediumistic capacities are essentially based on the discovery of the unconscious and the subconscious of what is the activity of the collective on the individual being beyond this connection between the microcosms and macrocosms the control of all things that have to do with illusion and with the manipulation of it in the direction of human beings towards superior knowledge and for their own elevation implies an enormous mastery, the ability to not look ridiculous or simply let yourself be dominated by sensations, passions and dependencies. But being able to see beyond that and build a true and solid relationship with a superior being at the same time, not fall into the temptation of creating a sect of followers or having the illusion that the motivation for global change, does not pass through the individual decision of each one and due to the necessary adaptation to that same reality the biggest defect that is pointed out here is the dispersion and without a doubt it is difficult to establish so many bridges, without dispersing but at the same time this is what gives the workers of this workshop their unprecedented capacity for synthesis and interconnection almost intuitive between what one feels and what one thinks and that allows another form of rationality, rationality through intuition, so its biggest defect, which is dispersion, is what gives it the intuitive rationality that is perhaps of all its greatest qualities.



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