Here is a film that reflects on human nature and the need we have to share and live, with each other, starting from what is our essence and not how others classify us from the outside or society, this is the story there was a boy suffering from down syndrome who was rejected by society, living in a home for the elderly in which he felt totally out of place.
It is the unlikely adventure of someone who leaves his comfort zone and meets a young man who used to fish for crabs along the Mississippi River and who was also in a position of rejection and closing the love triangle seems to be the head nurse of the home where there was the young man who is also obliged to make his personal journey and to confront humanity which is basically the basis of his personal life mission and which it leads to exchange the status and belonging to the stable place for the affirmation of the your personal values ​​which implies cutting with the obvious.
Without wanting to create spoilers because I think the film is worth seeing, I would just say that it is a story of our century of our time where despite all the evolution we have had in scientific terms we continue to ignore the essential basis of our nature and not understand that it is in human relationships in true friendship and in the recognition of the other that we can find the way to our own understanding a cry for sanity in an increasingly insane world I recommend seeing.
